January 19, 2010

Response to Delivery of Health Services to Migrant Workers

I really enjoyed reading the article Delivery of Health Services to Migrant Workers. At the beginning of the paper they started out by listing a lot of facts that were very familiar to me. But seeing all of these statistics presented before me made me question what could be done to improve health care access by migrant workers. This is the good part, because as soon as these questions started to develop in my mind, the article began to highlight all of the initiatives that are currently being done by many organizations. It was greatly refreshing to see that so much good work is being done already to improve the health care conditions of migrant workers. One of my biggest concerns was that when migrant workers relocate, it become difficult to keep up with their health information. The article then mentioned a specific organization MCN Network that provides a database that is free for both patients and clinic, to keep track of the heath information of migrant patients. This is a great way to reduce the confusion that is often cause when migrant workers relocate and receive additional care from physicians who are not informed about their health circumstances. This is exciting to hear about because I believe that a lot of the progress that has been made to improve Migrant workers' access to health care services often goes unnoticed.

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