January 20, 2010

Week 3 Reading Response

The readings this week from The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down struck me in a way nothing else had before. The details of the interactions of the Hmong patients and doctors were vivid and led me to new insights on the importance of cultural beliefs to maintaining health. What was most interesting to me however, was the perspective of the doctors. The frustration of the doctors is apparent throughout. From having to deal with Hmong patients traditional healing methods (which include loud banging and chickens). For doctors, who are taught throughout medical school of the merits of Western medicine, the methods employed by the Hmong can appear not only foolish, but also needless. Doctors may even feel that the traditional Hmong practices are hurting their patients by delaying their application of Western techniques. This article sheds light on the importance of incorporating traditional cultural practices with Western medicine, somethign I hope to carry with me into future medical practice.

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