February 28, 2010

I was also a little under-whelmed with Dr. Brawley's talk. For one thing, I felt like a lot of it was in doctor-speak and therefore slightly difficult for me to follow. For another, I don't think he talked enough about how cultural differences and culturally-motivated actions associated with race are linked to certain health outcomes. Perhaps I misunderstood, but he seemed to argue that if all under-insured people acquired adequate insurance, they would have similar health outcomes. This is simply not the case, as Dr. Barr pointed out from the audience. In response, Dr. Brawley did bring up a few points - like how higher-carb diets among lower SES and certain racial populations lead to actual physiological differences in those populations - but I felt that the points he made were a little too 'surface.' I agree with Dan that Dr. Brawley introduced a lot of stats that most people interested in the state of American healthcare are already aware of. Given how decorated he is, I hoped that he would offer more unique and interesting insights than he did.

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