January 13, 2010

Hey ASBers!
This is going to be the main way we share the bulk of our thoughts, questions, and challenges to the weekly readings. These readings are an awesome way for us to begin to understand some of the issues facing the farmworking population of the Central Valley.
Here is a link to an interesting and somewhat shocking video about the situation of farmworkers in our backyard:

1 comment:

  1. Hi -
    For some reason i didn't get the e-mail so I'll just post here for right now and we can figure things out? :)

    What really struck me about the first reading was the idea of being underserved. When trying to explain this ASB to people who are not necessarily humbio majors nor interested in public health I've gotten the question "what margins?" Having to answer that question makes one think about where the line is drawn between served and underserved. Where do we draw the line between what type of health care that different groups get? Should money even be an issue? Which groups should we focus on?
    What I really liked about the first article is that despite the huge battle that is going on in the United States about healthcare right now, we know that the people are there. No matter how you cut it: geographically, SES-wise (not a word, sorry), gender etc. there are people who are not getting satisfactory healthcare as defined by themselves and by passionate doctors (such as Dr. Wallace) and health care professionals around them. We can argue on a large philosophical and political level about how to treat the underserved but people are slipping through the cracks. Perhaps this should be a grassroots sort of movement rather than top-down , or both at the same time :) Just thoughts...
